All About Me and My Recipes
Welcome! I’m Glenda Embree and I’m so glad you stopped by! I hope you’ll find some favorite recipes for your family while you’re here.
I’m the southeast Nebraska writer, home-cook, and photographer behind the Glenda Embree blog. I love Jesus! I love my family! And, I love writing and cooking!
Most of my work is right here on Glenda Embree Blog, but you may have also seen my writing and recipes featured on Food Drink Life, MSN, Parade and Foodtalk Daily.
Nothing brings me more joy than other people enjoying the dishes I’ve prepared for them. I started cooking as a child. Food — cooking it and sitting around a table sharing it — is tied to some of the most wonderful memories of my life. It’s amazing how an aroma or taste can transport me to one of those special moments with people that mean the most to me.
How I Trained to Cook, Bake & Write Recipes
I’ve had nearly 50 years as a home cook to fine-tune, my cooking and baking experience over my lifetime. My passion is to share some of that experience and the moments and fun that come from cooking with, and for, the people I love most.
My beginnings were pretty humble. Cooking delicious food doesn’t need to be expensive.
I started from a classic comfort food; traditional, homey dishes cooking-style and a grow-it-in-your-own-garden way of thinking about food.
I would say that my “style” has evolved to what I like to call “inclusive” cooking. I can still go very classic, meat and potatoes. And, I love cooking with fresh, whole food ingredients.
But, I’m also very tuned into the dietary needs and restrictions of so many of the people I care about. I want there to always be food on my table that EVERY person can enjoy!
Expect Recipes for Everyone
If I make a gluten-free, dairy-free or sugar-free dish, I want to have to TELL someone that that is what they’re eating. I want them not to realize it just from eating it.
When I prepare a gluten-free meal, it needs to be as much a delight to gluten-eaters at the table, as those that are gluten-free.
That means I never stop learning and never stop being surprised and amazed at new possibilities.
I love the creativity of the process and the joy of sharing a successful finished product that blows peoples’ minds and excites their taste buds.
So, don’t let someone put the recipes on the Glenda Embree blog in a specific box.
This is NOT a health-food blog.
This blog definitely DOES include healthy and nutritious recipes in our collection.
Many of my dishes are definitely healthy and can provide the needed balance in a well-rounded diet.
Other things that I cook or bake are indulgent and comforting.
Some of the recipes I share are, “it’s-been-a-day, just-get-me-through-it-in-a-hurry” kinds of dishes that can save family dinner and mom’s sanity.
And quite a few are economical ways to stretch our food dollars to provide in the best possible way for the people we are blessed to nourish.
It’s All About Balance
My philosophy of cooking, and of eating, is balance. I cook what tastes good and brings joy to those who eat it, even if it’s “healthy”. There is a time and a place for all kinds of dishes. I hope you find that reflected in the recipes you discover, here.
As you can see, my cooking-style, like me, is pretty eclectic, and my sincere hope is that you will find a set of recipes and dishes, that fits you perfectly, right where you are.
I hope you’ll learn things you never knew and that you’ll ask questions.
My earnest wish is for you to enjoy every minute you spend creating and sharing food with the people who are most important in your life.